This article dicusess, the histroical background in the DBS (DTH), freq. Allocations, channel coding, source coding, modulations suitable for satellite-based digital TV, and finally the standards for a Digital TV for India.
As in terrestrial broadcasting service, transmission in the broadcasting satellie.
Services (BSS) are intended for direct reception by the general public are characterized by high effective isotropic radiated power (E.I.R.P.) to permit the use of simple and inexpensive home receiving system. It is only during the last few years that high transmit powers from the satellites have become possible through the development of high power travelling wave tube amplifiers (TWTA), larger solar panels and the narrow and shaped antenna beams. The size of the receiving earth terminal antennas has been reducing. A complete 4 GHz TV signal cost 4 lakh rupees whereas 4 GHz direct reception system (DRS) for home viewers costs less than Rs 40,00/- today.