Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Non-Discriminatory Access To Content

TRAI’s New Interconnection Regulations for Broadcasting Sector
TRAI released the Telecommunication (Broadcasting and Cable Services) Interconnection (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, on 17 March 2009, which essentially cover regulatory provisions on non-discriminatory access to content, issues relating to interconnection for addressable platforms and issues relating to registration of interconnection agreements. 

DTH Rates to be Regulated

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India released on 6 March 2009 a consultation paper on DTH issues relating to Tariff Regulation and issues relating to Value added Services (such as Movie-On-Demand, Pay-per-View), Platform services (such as Active Learning, Active Stories etc.) and carrying of Radio channels on DTH platform. 
The Direct-to-Home (DTH) TV services in India started gaining momentum from 2006 onwards. With the entry of new DTH service providers, there has been a rapid growth in the number of subscribers using DTH services. At present there are five pay DTH service providers who have commenced their services. Today, there are more than ten million subscribers of DTH services. 

Monday, 20 April 2009

Network DVR

Digital Video Recorder is the latest thing to happen in the Indian DTH Scene.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Better Hopes for Entertainment Industry

The financial year has ended and along with this have ended many speculations, hopes and expectations that arose with it. Financially 2008-09 has not ended well for most industries, marred by the global financial meltdown. However, entertainment industry, particularly broadcasting has been less affected by the recession compared to other industries. The industry has grown by about 12.4% over the previous year and this year the situation has already shown signs of recovery.
Although TRAI has worked very hard, it's recommendations are not finding much favours with the government. Out of 13 recommendations to the industry only the one on IPTV could get through. CATV industry in particular, is feeling the brunt of this slow decision making and has been left to fend for itself in its own way. 

April 2009

Wednesday, April 01, 2009 -- TRAI released quarterly performance indicators of Indian Telecom Services for the quarter ending December 2008.

Can Infrastructure be Shared in Broadcasting Sector

Broadcasting Industry today has grown to an enormous size in the country. Each Distribution Platform Operator (DPO) retransmits on an ave...