Thursday, 21 April 2011

Digitalisation Deadlines await Notification

The Telecom Regulatory Authority has stuck on their deadlines for completing the process of digitalization by 31st December 2013, even after receiving Ministry's suggestion of postponing it to 31st March 2015. Experts in the industry call it an ambitious proposal. However TRAI Chairman J S Sarma defends the deadlines saying that we should be in a hurry to achieve this lest, we miss the great opportunity of using the Digital Power to uplift the Economy. 
What Mr Sarma has in mind is very true. This is also reflected in the National Broadband Plan proposed by TRAI to the government where more responsibility has been given to the cable TV operators who are yet to take-off in this direction, even more than the telecom players who are reaping the benefits of Government subsidies for the last ten years but achieved a mere 10 million broadband connectivity, a matter to be ashamed of. 

Friday, 1 April 2011

April 2011

1/4/11 -- The Times of India has entered into the world of applications (apps) with the launch of iPad, iPhone, Android and BlackBerry applications.

Time to Stop the Blame Game

Time to Stop the Blame Game The month of March kept us extremely busy with four major events namely, CASBAA Satellite Forum, Delhi, FICCI Frames in Mumbai, Convergence India in New Delhi and CCBN (China); the later three ran concurrently on the same dates. I feel now the markets are global and the organizers should coordinate the dates in such a way that such clashes don’t occur. All the events are very important for the industry and everyone should get a chance to attend. 

Can Infrastructure be Shared in Broadcasting Sector

Broadcasting Industry today has grown to an enormous size in the country. Each Distribution Platform Operator (DPO) retransmits on an ave...