Although TRAI has been given the task of regulating the broadcast industry since 2004, it has not proved its mettle in doing so. Every regulation and tariff order issued by TRAI has been challenged in the courts and stayed. Industry is still in chaos and every stakeholder is taking the system for a r ide. The situation is back to the origin of the industry when it was like the ‘Wild West’ where powerful and moneyed people ruled. It is becoming clear that all policies of Digitisation have failed to be implemented. No government can force 600 million people to migrate to a new technology by showing a stick.
Deploying an OTT multiscreen service can be easy utilizing an integrated video preparation solution that includes systems for encoding, packaging, recording, and playout. However, service providers do face a number of challenges. This article examines the key trends that DTH providers should take into account to ensure success in the OTT multiscreen environment.